KHAḌŪR SĀHIB, an old village 19 km east of Tarn Tāran (31º-27'N, 74º-56'E) in Amritsar district of the Punjab, is sacred to the first three Gurūs. Gurū Nānak is said to have visited Khaḍūr once to meet his disciple, Bhāī Jodhā, a Khaihrā Jaṭṭ. It was through Bhāī Jodhā's example that Bhāī Lahiṇā (later, Gurū Aṅgad) was led to seek Gurū Nānak's precept. Gurū Aṅgad's father, Bābā Pherū, having left his ancestral place, Matte-dī-Sarāi, and the temporary abode at Harīke, had made Khaḍūr his home. Bābā Pherū's sister Māī Bharāī was already married in Khaḍūr ; his son, Bhāī Lahiṇā, was now married here in 1519. After the anointment of Bhāī Lahiṇā as Gurū Aṅgad in 1539, he, following Gurū Nānak's instructions, returned to Khaḍūr, which became the centre of the Sikh faith. He stayed here till his death in 1552. It was at Khaḍūr that Amar Dās served him as a disciple and was in turn himself anointed Gurū. Khaḍūr Sāhib has several gurdwārās commemorating the holy Gurūs.

        GURDWĀRĀ TAPIĀṆĀ SĀHIB, 200 metres north of the village, marks the site where Gurū Nānak, accompanied, according to local tradition, by Bhāī Bālā and Bhāī Mardānā, preached to a gathering of devotees. It was here again that the events of Gurū Nānak's life are said to have been recorded, in the form of a Janam Sākhī, as narrated by Bhāī Bālā. A small platform near the Gurdwārā marks the spot where Bhāī Bālā's mortal remains were cremated. The Gurdwārā comprises a square hall on a high plinth. The Gurū Granth Sāhib is seated on a canopied throne of white marble. A lotus dome with an ornamental gold-plated pinnacle and an umbrella-shaped finial tops the hall, which also has a square-shaped domed kiosk above each of its corners. In front of the hall, in the middle of a one-acre brick-paved compound, is the sarovar.

        GURDWĀRĀ TAP ASTHĀN SRĪ GURŪ AṄGAD DEV JĪ, opposite Gurdwārā Tapiāṇā Sāhib, marks the site where Gurū Aṅgad used to sit in meditation. It is a square domed hall with domed cubicles at top corners. The central dome has a gold-plated pinnacle, an umbrella-shaped finial and a khaṇḍā at the apex.

        GURDWĀRĀ DARBĀR SĀHIB AṄGĪṬHĀ SĀHIB, within a high-walled compound entered through an old two-storeyed gateway, comprises a square domed sanctum with a circumambulatory passage and a hall in the front. The sanctum marks the site where Gurū Aṅgad's body was cremated. Close by is a square domed marble pavilion called Kīllā Sāhib or Khaḍḍī Sāhib. This was a weaver's pit, khaḍḍī in Punjabi, where Bābā (later Gurū) Amar Das, carrying a pitcher of water for Gurū Aṅgad during a pitch dark night, stumbled against a kīllā or peg. An old well near the gateway, is called Bībī Amaro Jī dā Khūh, or the Well of Bībī Amaro, Gurū Aṅgad's daughter, whose hymn-singing had inspired Bābā Amar Dās to seek spiritual solace at the feet of Gurū Aṅgad.

        GURDWĀRĀ MĀĪ BHARĀĪ, about 100 metres to the west of Gurdwārā Darbār Sāhib, constructed where Māī Bharāī's house once stood, marks another site consecrated by Gurū Aṅgad. According to Sikh chronicles, Gurū Aṅgad, as he arrived at Khaḍūr, from Kartārpur where Gurū Nānak had anointed him his successor, decided to go into undisturbed meditation for some time. He did not go to his own house, but shut himself up in a small room in Māī Bharāī's house and locked the door from inside. Saṅgats that went to Kartārpur to see the new Gurū were led to Khaḍūr by Bhāī Buḍḍhā who, risking the Gurū's displeasure, tore a hole into one of the walls of the room in Māī Bharāī's house. He bowed at the Gurū's feet and announced how the Sikhs waited outside for a sight of him. Gurū Aṅgad came out of his temporary seclusion to meet the disciples. The new building of Gurdwārā Māī Bharāī, constructed during the 1980's, is a high-ceilinged hall with a gallery at mid-height. Its walls are lined with streaked marble slabs. The sanctum at the far end of the hall is topped by three storeys of square pavilions and a dome all covered with white glazed tiles.

        GURDWĀRĀ MALL AKHĀṚĀ, at the northern edge of the village, marks the site where wrestling bouts for the youth were held in the time of Gurū Aṅgad. Mall akhāṛā literally means wrestlers' pit. Here the Gurū also taught children Gurmukhī letters. Even now young scholars are trained here in reciting the Gurū Granth Sāhib. The present building is a square domed hall within a low-walled compound.

        GURDWĀRĀ THĀṚĀ SĀHIB GURŪ AMAR DĀS, a small domed room, is built on a high plinth in the middle of a marble-floored platform. The Thaṛā, platform in Punjabi, marks the spot where Bābā (Gurū) Amar Dās used to sit in meditation when he was not physically engaged in serving Gurū Aṅgad or his Sikhs.

         All these gurdwārās are managed by the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee through a local committee.


  1. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurduāriāṅ. Amritsar, n.d.
  2. Tārā Siṅgh, Srī Gur Tīrath Saṅgrahi. Kankhal, 1975
  3. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-33

Dīwān Siṅgh Bhallā