KHAIRĀBĀD, village 5 km northwest of Amritsar (31º-38'N, 74º-53'E), is sacred to Gurū Hargobind (1595-1644), who came here often following the chase and rested under a Palāh tree (Butia fondosa) . Hence the name of the memorial shrine Gurdwārā Gurpalāh Pātshāhī Chhevīṅ or Gurdwārā Palāh Sāhib for short. The present buildings constructed during the 1980's include a marble floored dīvān hall, with the sanctum in the middle and a verandah around it. A small sarovar is to the north and the residential quarters to the west of the hall. The Gurdwārā is managed by the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee through a local committee. Besides the daily services and observance of major Sikh anniversaries, a largely attended fair takes place every year on 6 Assū, corresponding usually to 21 September.

Gurnek Siṅgh