KISHAN KAṄVAR, DĪWĀN, son of Dīwān Hākim Rāi, served the Sikh rulers of Lahore in various capacities. He had been the playmate and associate of Prince Nau Nihāl Siṅgh who bestowed upon him the title of dīwān and showed him several other favours. In 1837, Prince Nau Nihāl Siṅgh, while at Peshāwar, granted him command of four regiments of infantry and one of cavalry with usual proportion of artillery, on a monthly salary of 1,500 rupees. Kishan Kaṅvar was appointed administrator of Rāwalpiṇḍī in 1841. He assumed the charge of the district of Baṭālā, Dīnānagar and Kalānaur in 1848 when Lahiṇā Siṅgh Majīṭhīā, the administrator of the territory lying between the Rivers Rāvī and Sutlej, left for Banāras. He fought against the British with his father at the time of the second Anglo-Sikh war of 1848-49.


  1. Sūrī, Sohan Lāl, Umdāt-ut-Twārīkh, Lahore, 1885-89
  2. Griffin, Lepel, and C.F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1909

G. S. Nayyar