KISHAN SIṄGH (d. 1846), the second son of Jamādār Khushāl Siṅgh, an influential courtier in Sikh times. Chronicles of the Lahore district do not contain any mention of Kishan Siṅgh until after the death of his father in 1844. As Hīrā Siṅgh Ḍogrā rose to power in 1843, the tribulations of the family began. Kīshan Siṅgh was offered stringent terms of succession to his father's estates. He was deprived of his father's jāgīrs worth Rs 1,70,000 annually, and lands worth only Rs 70,000 were left to him and his family. He was required to pay a nazarānā of Rs 5,00,000 to the State. In addition, he was put under pressure to bring back to the Punjab the treasure and goods his father had secreted at Haridvār. Kishan Siṅgh, along with his mother and family, was placed under restraint at Amritsar and an official of the toshākhānā was sent to Haridvār to take possession of the property. The detainees were set at liberty only after the death of Hīrā Siṅgh.

        Kishan Siṅgh died in the battle of Sabhrāoṅ in 1846.


  1. Griffin, Lepel and C.F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore, 1909
  2. Khushwant Singh, A History of the Sikhs, vol. II. Princeton, 1966
  3. Latif, Syad Muhammad, History of the Panjab. Delhi, 1964

J. S. Khurānā