MADAN SIṄGH, BHĀĪ (d. 1705), one of the martyrs of Chamkaur (7 December 1705), was, according to local tradition popular in and around Bhagṛāṇā in Fatehgaṛh Sāhib district of the Punjab, the son of Bhāī Diālā, a weaver of that village. Bhāī Diālā had received instruction fro its Gurū Tegh Bahādur at Chakk Nānakī (Anandpur Sāhib) and had also served the Gurū when the latter had travelled through the territory. His two sons, Madan and Kāṭhā (or Koṭhā, according to some sources), later went to Anandpur to be in the service of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh. They received the vows of the Khālsā in 1699 and became Madan Siṅgh and Kāṭhā (Koṭhā) Siṅgh. Madan Siṅgh who served in the Gurū's stables, is also said to have been a poet of some merit. The two brothers trained as soldiers, too. They were among the forty-odd warriors who, after the evacuation of Anandpur and crossing of the rivulet Sarsā in spate, could reach Chamkaur in the company of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh even as the hostile force was in hot pursuit. As Gurū Gobind Siṅgh hastily took shelter in a fortified house at Chamkaur and deployed his meager force for its defence, Madan Siṅgh and Koṭhā Siṅgh were posted to guard the entrance gate. The small fortress was soon surrounded by the Mughal host who at daybreak the following morning (7 December 1705) opened their attack with an assault on the gate. The two brothers defended it by firing from inside it as long as their ammunition lasted, and then with the Gurū's permission sallied forth, swords in hand, and died fighting just out-side the gate. The memorial shrine later es-tablished to mark it is now called Shāhīd Burj, lit. martyrs' tower. The tower also commemorates, among other martyrs, Bhāī Jīvan Siṅgh Raṅghreṭā, who had fallen earlier on the bank of the Sarsā.


  1. Faujā Siṅgh, Gurū Tegh Bahādur : Yātrā Asthān,Paramprāvāṅ te Yād Chinh. Patiala, 1976
  2. Nayyar, Gurbachan Siṅgh, ed., Gur Ratanmāl arthāt Sāu Sākhī. Patiala, 1985
  3. Piārā Siṅgh and Garjā Siṅgh, eds., Gurū kīāṅ Sākhīāṅ. Patiala, 1986

Nirañjan Siṅgh Sāthī