MAGAR SĀHIB, GURDWĀRĀ, named after an old village, Magar, in Paṭiālā district, is dedicated to Gurū Tegh Bahādur who, according to local tradition, stayed here awhile near what used to be a small pond. A small shrine established here was later developed into a one-room gurdwārā. It collapsed in what is still remembered as the flood of ikāsīā or eighty-one, meaning 1981 Bk corresponding to AD 1924 and could not be reconstructed for a long time, although Nishān Sāhib or the Sikh flag was maintained and the people brought their sick for a dip in the pond believing in the curative powers of its water. An assembly hall has been built recently with a square sanctum in the middle of it. A Nihaṅg Siṅgh manages the Gurdwārā. Large gatherings take place on Amāvasyā, the last day of the dark half of the lunar month, when devotees flock in large numbers from the surrounding villages and towns.

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)