MAṄGLĀṄ, a slave-girl in the service of Mahārāṇī Jind Kaur who gained considerable influence in state affairs during the latter's regency (1844-46). She was born about 1816 in a village near Kāṅgṛā. Her father Pīrū, a water-bearer, lived in extremely narrow circumstances. She was sold at the age of ten in 1825 for a paltry sum of Rs 25 to a ḍūm or minstrel, who brought her up as a courtesan. When she was about fourteen years old, she was purchased by one Jassā, who brought her to Lahore. She soon deserted him and came to live with a palace servant, who introduced her to Rāṇī Jind Kaur. She worked in her household and soon won her complete confidence. To fortify her position further, she developed intimacy with the Rāṇī's brother, Jawāhar Siṅgh. She became Rāṇī Jind Kaur's most trusted confidante and secured control of the toshākhānā as well as of the royal seal. She dabbled in politics and accepted gifts from courtiers and others. She lost her influence after the Anglo-Sikh war of 1845-46, when she was compulsorily retired from the court, and instructed by the Political Agent at Lahore to proceed on a pilgrimage. Maṅglāṅ accordingly went to live at Haridvār. Her jāgīrs, worth about seven lakhs, were confiscated in 1847.


  1. Smyth, G. Carmichael, A History of the Reigning Family of Lahore. Lahore, 1847
  2. Chopra, Barkat Rai, Kingdom of the Punjab, Hoshiarpur, 1960

J. S. Khurānā