MEVĀ SIṄGH (d. 1915), a simple but religious-minded peasant who was a reciter of the Gurū Granth Sāhib, came from the village of Lopoke, in Amritsar district. He migrated to Canada where he was an associate of Bhāī Bhāg Siṅgh Bhikhīviṇḍ and Balvant Siṅgh Khurdpur, two prominent leaders of Indian immigrants in Canada. In the Punjabi community, Mevā Siṅgh had heard stories of the hostility towards them of a Canadian immigration official by the name of William Hopkinson. No further proof of his malice was required after his stooge and informer, Belā Siṅgh, had shot dead Bhāī Bhāg Siṅgh while he was reciting the Gurū Granth Sāhib in the Gurdwārā. The immigration authority's complicity in the murders—the second Punjabi killed by Belā Siṅgh on that occasion was Batan Siṅgh — was established on Belā Siṅgh's own admission. Mevā Siṅgh vowed to avenge the murders. He started practising pistol shooting and he smuggled the weapon into the supreme court where the appeal in Belā Siṅgh's case was being heard. There in front of the judges, Mevā Siṅgh shot Hopkinson. He was tried for murder and was sentenced to death. In jail, he spent his time reciting gurbāṇī and ascended the gallows singing Gurū Tegh Bahādur's line : hari jasu re manā gāi lai jo saṅgī hai tero (Sing, O my heart, sing God's praise; He alone is thy supporter). There was an akhaṇḍ pāṭh recited in his memory in the Vancouver Gurdwārā. Daily dīvāns were held thereafter for a whole week.

         The Pacific Khālsā Dīwān of Stockton, California, circulated his portrait with these words printed beneath it : "Bhāī Mewā Siṅgh, martyr. Hanged January 11, 1915, 7.45 a.m.".

         The day of Bhāī Mevā Siṅgh's martyrdom is observed every year in the Stockton Gurdwārā.


  1. Aslī Qaumī Dard, 6 August 1928.
  2. Jagjīt Siṅgh, Ghadar Pārṭī Lahir. Delhi, 1975
  3. Sainsarā, Gurcharan Siṅgh, Ghadar Pārtī dā Itihās. Jalandhar, 1969

Sohan Siṅgh Josh