MEVĀ SIṄGH MAJĪṬHĪĀ, an artillery commander in the Sikh army, whose regiment, according to the Lahore diarist Sohan Lāl Sūrī, was called Topkhānā -i-Mevā Siṅgh, consisting of 10 light and 10 field guns and 1,014 men. In December 1844, Mevā Siṅgh was nominated a member of the council constituted by Mahārāṇī Jind Kaur to run the administration of the Punjab. He commanded the Lahore Darbār force despatched to Jammū in February 1845 for the chastisement of Rājā Gulāb Siṅgh. Of all the Majīṭhīā sardārs connected with the Sikh court, Mevā Siṅgh was the only one who took the part of the ḍogrās. It was through his intervention and that of Sardār Chatar Siṅgh Aṭārīvālā that milder terms were given to Rājā Gulāb Siṅgh, whose forces were routed by Raṇjodh Siṅgh Majīṭhīā at Akhnūr in March 1845. Mevā Siṅgh pleaded with skill and vigour before the Khālsā Council for the restoration of Gulāb Siṅgh's power and territories. Sikh or British records have little to tell of Mevā Siṅgh after 1845.


  1. Sūrī, Sohan Lāl, 'Umdāt ut-Twārīkh. Lahore, 1885-89
  2. Cunningham, J.D., A History of the Sikhs. London, 1849
  3. Griffin, Lepel, The Punjab Chiefs. Lahore, 1865

B. J. Hasrat