MOHAN SIṄGH TUṚ, JATHEDĀR (1915-1979), eminent Akālī politician, was born at village Tuṛ in Tarn Tāran tahsīl of Amritsar in 1915, the son of Jagat Siṅgh, an Akālī activist of the Akālī Lahir (Gurdwārā Reform movement) of the early 1920's and a member of the first Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee elected under the Sikh Gurdwārās Act, 1925. Mohan Siṅgh, too, as he grew up, joined the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal and slowly ascending the ladder became a member of Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee in December 1954. He went to jail during the Punjabi Sūbā morchā (agitation) of 1955 and was again elected a member of the Shiromanī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee in January 1960. In the internal conflict in the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal leadership Jathedār Mohan Siṅgh Tuṛ sided with Sant Fateh Siṅgh against Master Tārā Siṅgh. In the general elections in 1962 he, while yet in jail, was put up as an Akālī candidate for the Punjab Legislative Assembly from the Tarn Tāran constituency against the Congress stalwart and chief minister Partāp Siṅgh Kairoṅ. The sitting chief minister won the seat by a bare margin of 34 votes, which outcome was cavilled at by opposition parties. Mohan Siṅgh emerged from this election as one of the front rank jathedārs (leaders) of the Sant Akālī Dal. He was elected a member of the Punjab Legislative Assembly in 1967 and again during the mid-term elections of 1969. After the death of Sant Fateh Siṅgh in 1972, Jathedār Mohan Siṅgh Tuṛ was elected president of the Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal. In this capacity he successfully conducted the agitation against Haryānā government's unlawful pressure on Sikh landholders settled in that state. A second landmark was the peaceful agitation against the countrywide state of emergency declared by the Central Government headed by Prime Minister Indirā Gāndhī. In March 1977, Jathedār Tuṛ was elected to the Lok Sabhā, the lower house of Parliament.

         Jathedār Mohan Siṅgh Tuṛ died on 30 July 1979.


  1. The Ajīt Jalandhar, 30 July 1984
  2. Ashok, Shamsher Siṅgh, Shiromaṇī Committee dā Pañjāh Sālā Itihās . Amritsar, 1982
  3. Dilgīr, Harjinder Siṅgh Shiromaṇī Akālī Dal, Chandigarh, 1980

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)