MOHAR SIṄGH (d.1785), a prominent leader of the Nishānāṅvālī chieftaincy, was the eldest of the three sons of Lāl Siṅgh. He added Ambālā and Zīrā to the territories he had inherited and soon became an influential figure among the cis-Sutlej chiefs. In September 1779, he at Thānesar waited upon 'Abdul Ahd Khān who was then leading an expedition against Patiālā, and received from him a khill'at of five pieces, a sarpech, and a sword. In 1785, Mahādjī Scindia, regent of the Mughal empire, decided to win over the Sikhs by a treaty of friendship, and sent Ambājī Iṅgle to start negotiations. The Sikhs deputed Mohar Siṅgh and Dulchā Siṅgh, of the Kāroṛsiṅghīā misl, as their representatives, first to meet Ambājī Iṅgle and then Mahādjī Scindia, at Mathurā. As a result of these parleys a treaty was signed by Mohar Siṅgh and Dulchā Siṅgh with Mahādjī Scindia on 9 May 1785. At the time of departure they were given robes of honour, necklaces of pearls and horses.

         Mohar Siṅgh died at Ambālā in 1785 in a feud with Gurbakhsh Siṅgh of Moriṇḍā and his two widows retired to their estate at Zīrā in Fīrozpur district.


  1. Griffin Lepel and C. F. Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab . Lahore, 1909
  2. Gupta, Hari Ram, History of the Sikhs , vol . IV. Delhi, 1982

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā