MŪL CHAND, BHĀĪ, father-in-law of Gurū Nānak, was a Choṇā Khatrī, resident of Baṭālā, who looked after the lands of the Randhāvā Jaṭṭs of the village of Pakkhoke in present-day Gurdāspur district of the Punjab. He had a daughter of marriageable age named Sulakkhaṇī whom he betrothed to (Gurū) Nānak, then working as a modī or storeholder for the Nawāb of Sultānpur Lodhī. The match was arranged through Bhāī Jai Rām, husband of the Gurū's sister, Bībī Nānakī, and the marriage was solemnized at Baṭālā on 24 September 1487. Gurdwārā ḍehrā Sāhib, also known as Viāh Asthān Gurū Nānak Dev Jī, now marks the place where Bhāī Mūl Chand lived. The family later shifted to Pakkhoke Randhāve where Mātā Sulakkhaṇī came with her two sons to put up with her parents during Gurū Nānak's absence from home. She re-joined him at Kartārpur, opposite Pakkhoke across the River Rāvī, where he had settled after his prolonged peregrinations.


  1. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth . Amritsar, 1927-35
  2. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurū Khālsā [Reprint]. Patiala, 1970
  3. Macauliffe, M.A., The Sikh Religion . Oxford, 1909
  4. Harbans Singh, Guru Nanak and the Origins of Sikh Faith . Delhi, 1969
  5. McLeod, W.H., Guru Nanak and the Sikh Religion . Oxford, 1968

Gurnek Siṅgh