MŪL SIṄGH, RĀI, a Khatrī Sikh of Gujrāṅwālā district, was a trusted servant of Rājā Tej Siṅgh, Commander-in-chief of the Khālsā army during the first Anglo-Sikh war (1845-46). Tej Siṅgh died in 1862 leaving behind a large estate and a minor son, (later Rājā) Harbaṅs Siṅgh. The British government appointed Mūl Siṅgh as steward of the Rājā's estate. Mūl Siṅgh was able to increase the revenues of the estate and to pay off the substantial costs associated with the marriage of his ward, Harbaṅs Siṅgh. The Government of the Punjab praised Mūl Siṅgh for his efforts and rewarded him with a khill'at of Rs 1,000. He was an honorary magistrate of Lahore city and Honorary Assistant Commissioner in Gujrāṅwālā district. He was charter member of the Senate of Pañjāb University and an advocate of Oriental learning through his membership in the Añjuman-i-Pañjab.


  1. Massey, Charles Francis, The Punjab Chiefs , vol.I. Lahore, 1890
  2. Gazetteer of the Gujranwala District .
  3. Perrill, Jeffrey P., Punjab Orientalism: The Anjuman-i-Panjab and Panjab University, 1865-1888. Missouri, 1976

Ian J. Kerr