MŪṆAK KALĀṄ, village 3 km north of Uṛmaṛ (31º-41'N, 75º-38'E) in Hoshiārpur district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine in memory of Gurū Hargobind (1595-1644), who visited here once during a hunting expedition. He alighted under a shīsham tree (Dalbergia sissoo, ṭāhlī in Punjabi), about 250 metres north of the village. The shrine later established came to be known as Gurdwārā Ṭāhlī Sāhib Pātshāhī Chhevīṅ. A shīsham tree and an old well in the Gurdwārā compound are believed to have existed since the time of Gurū Hargobind's visit. The present buildings came up gradually. To the two small rooms built in 1914, a larger hall was added in 1940. In 1978 the local saṅgat handed over the management of the Gurdwārā to Bābā Nihāl Siṅgh Harīāṅ Velāṅvāle, a leader of Taruṇā Dal of Nihaṅgs. Under his supervision the present mosaic floored dīvān hall, with the sanctum at the far end, was completed in 1984.


    Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurū Khālsā [Reprint]. Patiala, 1970

Gurnek Siṅgh