PARIVĀR VICHHOṚĀ, GURDWĀRĀ, situated on the north bank of the rivulet Sarsā, about 12 km north of Ropaṛ (30º-58'N, 76º-31'E) in the Punjab, signifies the tragic happenings that followed the evacuation of Anandpur by Gurū Gobind Siṅgh. ‘Parivār Vichhoṛa' literally means ‘dispersal of the family'. When after the evacuation of Anandpur during the night of 5-6 December 1705, Gurū Gobind Siṅgh arrived at this place with the enemy host in hot pursuit, he found Sarsā in spate. A minor seasonal tributary of the Sutlej, Sarsā, being close to the Sivālik foothills, is subject to sudden flooding during the rains. Gurū Gobind Siṅgh decided to split the column into two. While a part of the force was to engage the enemy, the others were to get across the river as best they could. The Gurū, along with his four sons, the ladies of the household and about 150 followers, reached the other bank of the angry stream, but several others and the entire baggage train were washed away in the flood. Meanwhile, the rearguard kept the host in check. Many died; the survivors, sure of the Gurū's safety, made good their escape in different directions.

         Though safe across the river, Gurū Gobind Siṅgh's family could no longer keep together. He himself with his two elder sons and 40 Sikhs went towards Chamkaur; his two wives, escorted by a few Sikhs, reached Delhi, while his aged mother and two younger sons were escorted by a servant, Gaṅgū by name, to his village near Moriṇḍā where he betrayed them.

         Gurdwārā Parivār Vichhoṛa Sāhib Pātshāhī 10 is an elegant four-storeyed building on top of a high pyramidal base riveted all around with stones, about 300 metres away from the Sarsā bank. It was completed in the 1970's. The room where the Gurū Granth Sāhib is seated is about 15 metres above the ground level. This room, on the second storey, has a mosaic floor and its walls and ceiling are profusely painted in multi-coloured designs. There is a domed pavilion above it, with decorative cupolas at the corners. There are two rows of rooms at ground level near by for Gurū kā Laṅgar and for residential purposes. Human bones, kaṛās and weapons, said to have been discovered at the site during the excavation for foundation laying, have been preserved for display in the Gurdwārā.

         Sant Ajīt Siṅgh of Niholkā who supervised the construction of the Gurdwārā continues to manage the administration. An annual fair is held on 1 Poh (mid-December).


  1. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurū Khālsā [Reprint], Patiala 1970
  2. Kuir Singh, Gurbilās Patshahi l0. ed. Shamsher Siṅgh Ashok. Patiala,1968

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)