PHATTE NAṄGAL, village near Dhārīvāl (31º-57'N, 75º-19'E) in Gurdāspur district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine Gurdwārā Burj Sāhib, marking the spot where Gurū Arjan, returning from a visit to Bābā Srī Chand at Bāraṭh, stayed near what used to be a pond. The devotees, who flocked to see the Gurū, constructed, after his departure, a tower (burj, in Punjabi) of earthwork; hence the name of the shrine Gurdwārā Burj Sāhib. The old tower was replaced by a small gurdwārā built of burnt bricks during the last quarter of the ninesteenth century through the initiative of one Bhāī Mahtab Siṅgh Aulakh, who looked after it for several years and was followed by cline of mahants until 1926, when the administration passed to the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee. The old pond was lined and pavements constructed. A dīvān hall, now housing the Khālsā High School, was added in 1945 and the central building, a square hall with a double-storeyed domed sanctum in the middle, was completed in 1962-63.

         The Gurdwārā owns about 40 acres of land and is managed by the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee. Largely attended gatherings take place on the last day of dark half of the month (amāvasyā) especially those falling during the lunar months of Chet and Bhādoṅ. A day especially marked is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Gurū Arjan which falls in May-June.


    Kāhn Siṅgh, Gurushabad Ratanākar Mahān Kosh. Patiala, 1974

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)