PHERŪ, BHĀĪ (1640-1706), an Udāsī Sikh preacher, was born the son of Bhāī Binnā Uppal of Amb Māṛī in parganah Mieṅ kī Mauṛ in Lahore district (now in Pakistan). His original name was Saṅgat. As he grew up, he adopted peddling as a profession and earned the nickname of Pherū, (lit. peripatetic). Journeying out with his wares once, he met Bhāī Bhagatū, a devout Sikh who led him to the presence of Gurū Har Rāi (1630-61) at Kīratpur. Bhāī Pherū turned a disciple and, stayed on to devote himself to serving in Gurū kā Laṅgar, the community kitchen. Gurū Har Rāi bestowed on him special blessing (Bakhshīsh in Udāsī Sikh parlance) and appointed him to preach and run Gurū kā Laṅgar in his native Nakkā region. The centre established by him near Mieṅ Kī Mauṛ itself came to be called Bhāī Pherū after him. When shortly before the creation of the Khālsā, Gurū Gobind Siṅgh (1666-1708) summoned all masands to Anandpur in order to enquire into their conduct, Bhāī Pherū also presented himself. The Gurū, pleased with his spirit of service and humility, bestowed on him the epithets of Sachchī Dāṛhī (beard unsullied) and Saṅgat Sāhib (honoured by the assembly) and half of his own turban, which Pherū wrapped around his monk's cap. He was exempted from joining the ranks of the Khālsā and he returned to his monastery at Mieṅ kī Mauṛ (Bhāī Pherū) where a new order of Udāsī sādhūs known as Saṅgat Sāhib Ke came to flourish.

        Bhāī Pherū died in 1706.


  1. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-35
  2. Raṇdhir Siṅgh, Udāsī Sikkhāṅ dī Vithiā. Amritsar, 2016 Bk.
  3. Macauliffe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion. Oxford, 1909

Piārā Siṅgh Padam