PHŪL SHĀH (1574-1663), Udāsī Sikh preacher, was born the son of Bhāī Jai Dev and Māī Subhadrā, Khatrīs of Srīnagar (Kashmīr), on 14 February 1574. Under the influence of his elder brother, Bhāī Goind, another well-known Udāsī Sikh and head of one of the four dhūāṅs or branches of the Udāsī sect, Phūl Shāh also embraced the Sikh faith at Amritsar on 20 March 1604. He donned the ochre robes of the Udāsīs at Kīratpur on 21 January 1637 and was ordained head of a dhūāṅ by Bābā Gurdittā, the head of the sect, on 12 September the same year. He preached in the Punjab for sometime and then made an extensive tour of holy places throughout India. Returning to the Punjab on 17 January 1651, he settled down at Bahādurpur, now virtually part of Hoshiārpur town, where he established an Udāsī centre. He died there on 17 May 1663. The followers of his dhūāṅ later preached Sikhism in central India where they established an Udāsī centre at Chikhlī, now in Buldānā district of Mahārāshṭra.


  1. Piyūkh, Kartār Siṅgh, Mālā de Motī. Lahore, 1926
  2. Raṇdhīr Siṅgh, Bhāī, Udāsī Sikhāṅ dī Vithiā. Amritsar, 2016 Bk

Piārā Siṅgh Padam