PIRĀṆĀ, (PĪRĀṆĀ) BHĀĪ, a resident of Chakk Ramdās, now in Gujrāṅwālā district of Pakistan Punjab, was a worshipper of Sultān Sākhī Sarwar. As he once visited Amritsar, he had himself initiated a Sikh. According to Bhāī Santokh Siṅgh, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūrāj Granth, the first duty he was assigned to by Gurū Arjan was to tend fire and clean utensils in the Gurū kā Laṅgar. He served with great dedication in the Laṅgar. With equal fervour and diligence, he laboured at the site of the sacred pool, then being excavated under the supervision of the Gurū. Bhāī Pīrāṇā was privileged to join Hargobind's wedding party in 1605. In 1606, he accompanied Gurū Arjan on what turned out to be his last journey to Lahore. After Gurū Arjan's martyrdom, Bhāī Pīrāṇā continued to serve Gurū Hargobind and commanded, under him, a squadron of 100 horsemen. He remained in attendance on the Gurū during his internment in the Gwālīor Fort. According to Gurbilās Chhevīṅ Pātshāhī, Bhāī Pīrāṇā fell fighting in the battle of Amritsar. A shrine commemorating his martyrdom still exists in the holy city.


  1. Manī Siṅgh, Bhāī, Sikhāṅ dī Bhagat Mālā. Amritsar, 1955
  2. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-35
  3. Sohan Kavī, Gurbilās Chhevīṅ Pātshāhī. Amritsar,1968
  4. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurū Khālsā. Patiala,1970
  5. Macauliffe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion. Oxford, 1909

Tāran Siṅgh