POHLO MALL, a goldsmith by caste and resident of Rājā Sāṅsī in present day Amritsar district, was a mukhtār- kār, i.e. attorney, in the service of Ṭhākur Siṅgh Sandhāṅvālīā and later, when the Sardār's estate was placed under a court of wards, a clerk of the court.

         He kept in touch with Ṭhākur Siṅgh when the latter had taken asylum in Pondicherry, a French Protectorate near Madrās, and mounted a campaign for the restoration of Mahārājā Duleep Siṅgh to the throne of the Punjab seized by the British. In March 1887, Pohlo Mall was arrested and detained in Allāhābād Fort for his anti-British activities. There were no specific charges preferred and no trial held. Pohlo Mall was released in June 1889 under the orders of the Governor-General.


    Ganda Singh, ed., History of the Freedom Movement in the Panjab (Maharaja Duleep Siṅgh Correspondence) . Patiala, 1972

K. S. Thāpar