PŪRANMĀSHĪ, in Sanskrit pūrṇimā, is the day of the full moon, the last day of the moon's bright phases. The day has sanctity in the Indian tradition and several ceremonial observances such as ritual bathing, fasting and giving away of charity are associated with it. In the Sikh system, no special significance attaches to the day. Sikh Scripture contains three compositions, all titled Thitī or Thitiṅ devoted to the lunar days. The one by Gurū Nānak recounts day of the waning moon and thus makes no mention of Pūrṇimā. In those by Gurū Arjan and Kabīr, the word is used metaphorically. By the fullness the moon attains that day, Kabīr is reminded of the Supreme Being who fills and pervades the objects of His creation. Gurū Arjan says that those whom God through His grace perfects (makes full) are not entangled by desire and become attached to Him who is perfect, complete and full. In Sikh belief, days spent in rememberance of the Perfect One are alone regarded auspicious. However, by custom Pūranmāshī has come to be observed in Sikh places of worship with special gatherings and services. A marked feature is ablutions by pilgrims in sarovars, the holy tanks.


  1. Śabadārth Srī Gurū Granth Sāhib . Amritsar, 1964
  2. Sāhib Siṅgh, Srī Gurū Granth Sāhib Darpan . Jalandhar, 1963

Tāran Siṅgh