RĀI SIṄGH was one of the Chālī Mukte, the Forty Liberated Ones, who fell fighting for Gurū Gobind Siṅgh in the battle of Muktsar (29 December 1705). According to Bhaṭṭ Vahī Mūltānī Sindhī Rāi Siṅgh was the son of Māī Dās, a Vaṇjārā Rājpūt, of 'Alīpur, in Multān district.


    Padam, Piārā Siṅgh, and Giānī Garjā Siṅgh, eds., Gurū kīāṅ Sākhīāṅ. Patiala, 1986

Gurnek Siṅgh