RĀM SIṄGH CHHĀPEVĀLĀ (d.1840) was a man of note who fought in the battles of Rāmnagar, Chelīāṅvālā and Gujrāt during the second Anglo-Sikh war of 1848-49. His father, Diāl Siṅgh, was born in a poor peasant family of the village of Dādūmājrā, in Siālkoṭ district of the Punjab: Recruited as a trooper in the army of Tārā Siṅgh of the Kanhaiyā misl, Diāl Siṅgh served his master in many of his expeditions. Rām Siṅgh along with his brother Kishan Siṅgh lived at Chhāpā, a village in Amritsar district. Mahārājā Raṇjīt Siṅgh took Rām Siṅgh and his brother in his service and gave them command of five hundred sowārs under Prince Khaṛak Siṅgh. Kishan Siṅgh met his death in a battle in 1827; Rām Siṅgh, who had achieved distinction in that battle, received a grant of seven villages in Amritsar district. Mahārājā Khaṛak Siṅgh gave Rām Siṅgh the charge of his private seal and jāgīrs in Amritsar and Shāhpur districts. Under Mahārājā Sher Siṅgh, Rām Siṅgh received various military commands, and his personal jāgīr was raised to rupees fifteen thousand per annum. In 1847, Rām Siṅgh was sent in command of some irregular horse to Bannū under Shamsher Siṅgh Sandhāṅvālīā, who was in command of the Sikh force sent by the Lahore Darbār to help Lieut. Herbert Edwardes settle the disturbed district. Rām Siṅgh was instrumental in arousing the Sikh force stationed in Dalīpgaṛh Fort at Bannū to rebellion in 1848. The force headed by Rām Siṅgh marched on to join Rājā Sher Siṅgh against the British. Rām Siṅgh showed his worth by fighting bravely at Rāmnagar (22 November 1848), Chelīāṅvālā (13 January 1849) and at Gujrāt (21 February 1849). He fell in the last-named battle. His jāgīr was seized by the British upon the occupation of the Punjab.


    Griffin, Lepel, The Punjab Chiefs. Lahore, 1890

G. S. Nayyar