SADDĀ SIṄGH was the son of Hazūrī Siṅgh, an Uppal Khatrī owing allegiance to the Karoṛsiṅghīā misl, who lived at Pañjgaṛh in Amritsar district Saddā Siṅgh, whose father was the first in the family to receive the rites of the Khālsā, took up military service under Rājā Amar Siṅgh of Paṭiālā in 1770, receiving as his reward a quarter share in 48 of the villages in the neighbourhood of Dhanaurā, in Ambālā district: He afterwards conquered seven villages on his own account and established his headquarters at Dhanaurā. He was succeeded to his estates by his nephew, Sāhib Siṅgh.


    Griffin, Lepel. The Punjab Chiefs. Lahore,1890

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā