SĀHIB SIṄGH ĪSĀPURĪĀ (b.1805), son of Rām Siṅgh Randhāvā, belonged to the Īsāpur branch of the Randhāvā family founded by his great-grandfather, Dasaundhā Siṅgh. At the time of his father's death in 1836, he was serving under Rājā Suchet Siṅgh Ḍogrā. He participated in many of Mahārājā Raṇjīt Siṅgh's campaigns of conquest. He was present when Multān was conquered in 1818 and also joined the expedition to Kashmīr the following year. He served under Prince Khaṛak Siṅgh and Rājā Suchet Siṅgh at Mankerā, Bannū and Ḍerājāt He survived long after the occupation of the Punjab by the British and resided at Īsāpur.


    Griffin, Lepel, and C.F Massy, Chiefs and Families of Note in the Punjab. Lahore,1909

G. S. Nayyar