SĀHOVĀL, village 8 km southwest of Siālkoṭ (32º-30'N, 74º-32'E) in Pakistan is sacred to Gurū Nānak (1469-1539) who once came here travelling from Siālkoṭ and, according to local tradition, stayed under a ber tree (Ziziphus mauritiana) near a pond for seven days. A gurdwārā was later raised here and the pond lined into a sarovar or holy tank named Nānaksar. Gurdwārā Nānaksar preserved within its compound the ber tree, reverently called Ber Sāhib, under which Gurū Nānak is said to have halted temporarily. The shrine was abandoned at the time of the 1947 exodus following the partition of the Punjab.


  1. Narotam, Tārā Siṅgh, Srī Gurū Tīrath Saṅgrahi. Kankhal,1975
  2. Ṭhākar Siṅgh, Giānī, Srī Gurduāre Darshan. Amritsar, 1923
  3. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurduāriāṅ. Amritsar, n.d.

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)