SĀĪṄ DĀS, BHĀĪ, Bhāī Bālā and Bhāī Rām Dās, Khatrīs of Bhaṇḍārī clan, Bhāī Mūlā and Bhāī Sūjā of Dhāvaṇ clan, and Bhāī Chandū Chaujhaṛ, all Sikhs of Gurū Arjan's time, once came to him and begged to be enlightened about the basis of the dispensation of consequences of good and bad actions. They wanted to know whether each action, virtuous or sinful has its corresponding reward or punishment, or a person's destiny is decided by the balance of his good and evil deeds. Gurū Arjan according to Bhāī Manī Siṅgh, Sikhāṅ dī Bhagat Mālā, explained, "One who acts with a definite end in view must face the consequence of his each individual action. Those who perform selfless actions, not because of a desire for reward but because they must act as a duty, suffer the consequence of their total performance. Normally, the virtuous worshippers of God do not commit sin deliberately. Any unintentional wrong on their part is counterbalanced by their good deeds. Those among them who are blessed with divine knowledge as well as with devotion, the bhagat-giānīs, consider both body and bodily actions as illusion. As darkness cannot touch the Sun, actions have no effect on them. They are jīvanmukt, that is, already liberated while yet alive." Bhāī Sāīṅ Dās and his companions, writes Bhāī Santokh Siṅgh, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth, found complete mental peace and tranquillity on listening to the Gurū.


  1. Manī Siṅgh, Bhāī, Sikhāṅ dī Bhagat Mālā. Amritsar, 1955
  2. Gurdās, Bhāī, Vārāṅ, XI.19
  3. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-35

Tāran Siṅgh