SAIṆ or SAIN, whose one hymn has been included in the Gurū Granth Sāhib, is counted among the disciples of Rāmānand (1300-1411). Gurū Arjan, Nānak V, says in one of his hymns in the Holy Book that the name of Sāiṇ was a household word as a bhakta of rare devotion (GG,487). In another, hymn, he refers to him as an example of dedication to the service of holymen. Bhakta Ravidās in a śabda in the Gurū Granth Sāhib ranks Saiṇ with Nāmdev, Kabīr, Trilochan and Sadhnā in piety (GG.1106). According to Bhāī Gurdās, Saiṇ was the disciple of Rāmānand and he had adopted him as his preceptor on hearing of the fame of Kabīr (1398-1518) who, too, was Rāmānand's disciple. All accounts agree that Saiṇ was a barber, some stating that he served at the court of the king of Revā, then called Bāndhavgaṛh, in Central India, while others hold that he was attached to the court of the ruler of Bidar in South India. Those supporting the South Indian tradition believe that Saiṇ was a disciple of Jñānadeva.

        What is the best āratī or form of adoration of the Lord is the theme of Saiṇ's pada incorporated in the Gurū Granth Sāhib. According to Saiṇ singing of His praise and meditating on His Name constitute the highest worship. These alone will ferry one across the fearful ocean and bring him liberation.


  1. Śabadārth Srī Gurū Granth Sāhib. Amritsar,1975
  2. Gurdās, Bhāī, Vārāṅ, X.16
  3. Gurdit Siṅgh, Giānī, ltihās Srī Gurū Granth Sāhib (Bhagat Bāṇī Bhāg) . Chandigarh,1990
  4. Sāhib Siṅgh, Bhagat Bāṇī Saṭīk. Amritsar, 1959-60
  5. Chaturvedī, Parshū Rām, Uttarī Bhārat kī Sant Pramprā. Allahabad,1964
  6. Macauliffe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion : Its Gurūs, Sacred Writings and Authors. Oxford, 1909

Tāran Siṅgh