SĀLAS RĀI was, according to Bhāī Bālā Janam Sākhī, a jeweller of Bishambharpur, present Bishnūpur in Bāṅkurā district of West Bengal, although a tradition recorded by Giānī Giān Siṅgh, Twārīkh Gurū Khālsā, identifies the place as the city of Paṭnā in Bihār. As Gurū Nānak travelling in the eastern parts approached Bishambharpur, Bhāī Mardānā, says the Janam Sākhī, complained of fatigue and hunger. The Gurū gave him a stone he had picked up in the jungle and asked him to go into town, sell it and buy what he needed. Mardānā showed the stone from shop to shop but had it returned to him every time as worthless until he came to Sālas Rāi, the jeweller. Sālas Rāi scanned the stone spellbound. Then he handed it back to Mardānā and said that he must meet the owner of such a priceless jewel. He asked his servant Adhrakā to take some presents and fruit with him and, led by Mardānā, came to the place where the Gurū was. Both master and servant entered the path of discipleship and became dedicated to the Gurū's word. Adhrakā's service was valued equally with Sālas Rāi. They were assigned to running a saṅgat in their town.


  1. Kohlī, Surindar Siṅgh, ed., Janamsakhī Bhāī Bālā. Chandigarh, 1975
  2. Kirpāl Siṅgh, Janam Sākhī Paramparā. Patiala, 1969
  3. Harbans Singh, Guru Nanak and Origins of the Sikh Faith. Bombay, 1969
  4. McLeod, W.H., Early Sikh Tradition. Oxford,1980

Gurnek Siṅgh