SAṄGAT RĀI (d.1696), also referred to in Sikh chronicles as Saṅgatīā Siṅgh, was, according to Gurū Gobind Siṅgh's autobiographical Bachitra Nāṭak, sent on an embassy of peace to the court of Rājā Gopāl of Guler. At that time a Mughal commander, Husain Khān marching upon Anandpur was extorting along the way heavy tribute from the hill chiefs. While the rulers of Bilaspur and Kāṅgrā submitted to and aided Husain Khān, Rājā Gopāl of Guler expressed his inability to pay the excessive levy. This led to a battle in which Saṅgat Rāi and his seven companions took the part of Rājā Gopāl. Both Husain Khān and his ally from Kāṅgṛā were killed in battle and the ruler of Guler won a decisive victory. Saṅgat Rāi and his tiny Sikh contingent, which according to Bhaṭṭ sources, also included Saṅgat Rāi's brother, Hanūmant, also fell in this action. According to the Bhaṭṭ Vahīs, this battle took place on 20 February 1696.


  1. Bachitra Nāṭak
  2. Padam, Piārā Siṅgh, and Giānī Garjā Siṅgh, eds., Gurū kīāṅ Sākhīāṅ. Patiala, 1986
  3. Harbans Singh, Gurū Gobind Singh. Chandigarh, 1966

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)