SAṄGAT SIṄGH (d. 1705), one of the forty Sikhs who were besieged with Gurū Gobind Siṅgh in an improvised fortress at Chamkaur, bore a close resemblance to the Gurū in physical appearance. Both Kuir Siṅgh and Sukkhā Siṅgh in their poetical biographies of Gurū Gobind Siṅgh refer to him as Saṅgat Siṅgh Baṅgesar from which it appears that Saṅgat Siṅgh was either a native of Baṅg (Bengal) or came from Baṅgash region (Kurram valley) on the northwest frontier of India. On the fateful night of 7-8 December after all but five Sikhs had been killed in the unequal battle of Chamkaur, Gurū Gobind Siṅgh at the insistence of these five agreed to make a bid to escape. He made Saṅgat Siṅgh don his dress and plume in order to beguile the enemy while the Gurū along with three other survivors broke through the encircling horde under cover of darkness. The following morning when the besiegers stormed the fortress, Saṅgat Siṅgh opposed them single-handed and fell fighting valiantly. The enemy commanders initially took him for Gurū Gobind Siṅgh, but were soon disillusioned.


  1. Kuir Siṅgh, Gurbilās Pātshāhī 10. Patiala, 1968
  2. Padam, Piārā Siṅgh, and Giānī Garjā Siṅgh, eds., Gurū kīāṅ Sākhīāṅ.Patiala, 1986
  3. Harbans Singh, Guru Gobind Singh. Chandigarh, 1966

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)