SAṄGAT SIṄGH, SANT (1882-1950), a Sikh saint revered for his piety as well as for his learning, was born in 1882, at Kamālīā, a small town in Lyallpur district, now in Pakistan. His father, Bhāī Sītal Dās, a Sahajdhārī Sikh, was a descendant of Bhāī Shāmū Sachiār, one of the recipients of a bakhshīsh, i.e. a missionary seat, from Gurū Har Rāi. Young Saṅgat Dās, as he was originally named, was brought up in an atmosphere of religious devotion and discipline. He was imparted such education as was available at home in those days -- reading and writing in Gurmukhī and some knowledge of Sikh sacred texts. Saṅgat Dās proved a precocious child possessing a phenomenal memory. At the age of 9 he started participating in akhaṇḍ pāṭhs, or continuous ceremonial readings of the Gurū Granth Sāhib. His recitation was marked by ease, accuracy and fluency. Soon he joined the monastery of an eminent Sevāpanthī saint, Bhāī Fateh Chand, who lived in Shāh Jīvaṇā, a village in Jhaṅg district, and studied with him the Gurū Granth Sāhib. In 1901, he came in contact with Paṇḍit Kālā Siṅgh from whom he learnt Sanskrit. For the Vedas, he served his apprenticeship with Paṇḍit Rām Saran. To take to a life of seclusion and meditation, Saṅgat Dās improvised a thatched hut for him-self a few miles away from the town of Shujābād, in Multān district. The period of uninterrupted concentration on the Gurū's word spent there aroused in him a longing to have himself initiated a Sikh and he was from now onwards in search of a holy man who should admit him to the fold. He at last met the poet and savant Bhāī Vīr Siṅgh whose Rāṇā Sūrat Siṅgh had deeply moved him and at whose hands he now received the rites of initiation. At the ceremony Saṅgat Dās was renamed Saṅgat Siṅgh.

        Sant Saṅgat Siṅgh got married and led the life of a householder, but he spent most of his time preaching the gospel of Gurū Nānak. Thousands thronged the gurdwārās to hear him expound the holy writ in his gentle and persuasive manner and with a wealth of quotation from classical sources. His style of platform exposition of Sikh lore and thought became the most popular and authentic. Through his preaching, many were converted to the Sikh faith in the regions of Sindh, Multān, North-West Frontier, Poṭhohār, Sargodhā and Jhaṅg. After the partition of the Punjab, Sant Saṅgat Siṅgh shifted to Paṭiālā (January 1948). He wrote a number of tracts published by the Khālsā Tract Society, Amritsar. His discourses on the, Japu delivered during 1949-50 at Paṭiālā were first published in January 1959 under the title Shrī Japujī Kathā.

        Sant Saṅgat Siṅgh died at Paṭiālā on 24 October 1950, bequeathing to his son and successor Sant Kartār Siṅgh the family heritage--- the bakhshish from Gurū Har Rāi.


  1. Kartār Siṅgh, Sant, Kathaṛīāṅ Santah. Patiala, n.d.
  2. Visākhā Siṅgh, Mālvā ltihās. Kishanpura, 1954

Gurdev Siṅgh Deol