SAṄGHREṚĪ, village 5 km West of Bareṭā (29º-52'N,75º-42'E), in Mānsā district of the Punjab, claims a historical shrine dedicated to Gurū Tegh Bahādur, who is believed to have halted here during one of his travels through these parts. The old shrine, Gurdwārā Pātshāhī IX, on the northern edge of the village near a pond, is a square domed room with only a small platform in it. The Gurū Granth Sāhib is seated in the adjacent hall. A Nihaṅg Sikh looks after the Gurdwārā under the overall control of the village saṅgat.


  1. Narotam, Tārā Siṅgh, Srī Gurū Tīrath Saṅgrahi. Kankhal, 1975
  2. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurduāriāṅ. Amritsar, n.d.
  3. Faujā Siṅgh, Gurū Teg Bahādur : Yātrā Asthān, Paramparāvāṅ te Yād Chinh. Patiala, 1976
  4. Gurmukh Siṅgh, Historical Sikh Shrines. Amritsar, 1995

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)