SAṄSĀR CHAND (1765-1823), Kaṭoch Rājpūt Rājā of Kāṅgṛā who ascended the throne in 1775. He was an ambitious ruler and began extending his influence over the neighbouring hill states as well as over the plains lying at the foot of the Śivālik ranges. He came as far as Hoshiārpur in the Punjab where he built the famous fort of Bajvāṛā. Mahārājā Raṇjīt Siṅgh however drove him away from the plains in 1804. In 1805, the Nepalese general, Amar Siṅgh Thāpā, crossed the Yamunā at the invitation of Rājā of Sirmūr to suppress a rebellion of his subjects, but went on and laid siege to the Fort of Kāṅgṛā. Saṅsār Chand resisted the Gurkhās for four long years. When he could fight no more, he solicited the help of Mahārājā Raṇjīt Siṅgh. The Mahārājā marched an army to Kāṅgṛā and defeated the Nepalese, but he seized the Fort, accepting Saṅsār Chand as a tributary of his government.

        Saṅsār Chand died in December 1823.


  1. Sūrī, Sohan Lāl, 'Umdāt ut-Twārīkh. Lahore, 1885-89
  2. Griffin, Lepel, Ranjit Singh. Oxford, 1905
  3. Hasrat, Bikrama Jit, Life and Times of Ranjit Singh. Nabha, 1977
  4. Sinha, N.K., Ranjit Singh. Calcutta, 1908
  5. Hutchinson J., and Ph. Vogel, History of the Punjab Hill States. Lahore, 1933

Harī Rām Gupta