SARŪP SIṄGH, RĀJĀ (1812-1864), son of Karam Siṅgh of Bazīdpur and a collateral of Rājā Saṅgat Siṅgh (1811-34) of Jīnd who had died childless, ascended the gaddī of Jīnd in April 1837. The gap between the death of Rājā Saṅgat Siṅgh and the assumption of the throne by Rājā Sarūp Siṅgh was caused by protracted deliberations by the British Government to decide whether the state should be annexed as escheat and, if not, who among the nearest collaterals of the deceased chief had a better title to the gaddī. Born on 30 May 1812, Sarūp Siṅgh was very tall and handsome. Sir Lepel Griffin writes in his The Rajas of the Punjab: "In person and presence he was eminently princely and the stalwart Sikh race could hardly show a taller or stronger man. Clad in armour, as he loved to be, at the head of his troops there was perhaps no other prince in India who bore himself so gallantly and looked so true a soldier." Sarūp Siṅgh had cardial relations with the British and his loyalty to them during the Anglo-Sikh wars and the uprising of 1857 was rewarded with the grant of territories, the right of adoption in case of failure of direct heirs and other concessions. He was granted Dādrī in Haryāṇā and thirteen villages near Saṅgrūr, a house in Delhi and an eleven-gun salute. He introduced many reforms in his state on the British model, particularly concerning revenue and police administration.

        Rājā Sarūp Siṅgh died on 26 January 1864, and was succeeded by his son, Raghbīr Siṅgh.



  1. Griffin, Lepel, The Rajas of the Punjab [Reprint]. Delhi, 1977
  2. Ganda Siṅgh, The Patiala and the East Panjab States Union. Patiala, 1951
  3. Kāhn Siṅgh, Gurushabad Ratnākar Mahān Kosh [Reprint]. Patiala, 1981

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā