SIṄGHĀ, a Brāhmaṇ purohit or family priest of the Soḍhī clan, became a disciple of Gurū Hargobind (1595-1644). Bhāī Siṅghā was, along with Bābak the musician, sent to escort the Gurū's daughter, Bībī Vīro, who on the eve of her marriage had accidently been left behind in Amritsar when the family was evacuated to the village of Jhabāl at the time of the attack in 1629 by the Mughal commander, Mukhlis Khān. She was brought out safely through the Mughal lines. Early next morning Bhāī Siṅghā, at the head of 500 Sikhs, was sent forward to meet the host as the Sikh warrior, Bhāī Bhānū, had been slain fighting against the vanguard. As says Bhāī Santokh Siṅgh, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth, a shot from Muhammad 'Alī, the Mughal officer opposite him, wounded Siṅghā's horse. The animal fell down along with his rider, but Siṅghā recovering his composure, shot an arrow at Muhammad 'Alī, killing him instantaneously. Bhāī Siṅghā now became the target of the enemy's attack and fell a martyr in the unequal contest.


  1. Gurbilas Pātshānī Chhevīṅ. Patiala,1970
  2. Santokh Siṅgh, Bhāī, Srī Gur Pratāp Sūraj Granth. Amritsar, 1927-35
  3. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurū Khālsā [Reprint]. Patiala, 1970
  4. Macauliffe, Max Arthur, The Sikh Religion : Its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors. Oxford, 1909

Bhagat Siṅgh