SRĪ SANT RATAN MĀL by Bhāī LaI Chand, containing biographical sketches in Punjabi of the Sevāpanthī saints, completed in 1919 Bk/AD 1862 at Amritsar, was first published in 1924 and reprinted in 1954 by Bhāī Hīrā Siṅgh Mahant, Sevāpanthī Aḍḍaṇ Shāhī Sabhā, Paṭiālā. The voluminous work, comprising 563 printed pages, deals with the lives of prominent personages connected with the Sevāpanthī sect, providing some incidental information about contemporary personalities such as Mahārājā Raṇjit Siṅgh, Bābā Sāhib Siṅgh Bedī of Ūnā and Bābā Vaḍbhāg Siṅgh. The accounts of the saints are hagiographical in nature. The book also includes Babek Sār, popularly called Bhāī Dayā Rām Aḍḍaṇ Shāh Prashanotrī (pp.223-252). This is a philosophical discourse between two well-known Sevāpanthī saints, Bhāī Dayā Rām and Aḍḍaṇ Shāh, the former raising questions and the latter answering them. The points at issue mainly relate to Vedānta and to Sikh teaching and philosophy.


    Gurmukh Siṅgh, Sevāpanthīāṅ dī Pañjābī Sāhit nūṅ Den. Patiala, 1986

Gurmukh Siṅgh