SUJĀN SIṄGH SOḌHĪ (1870-1915), educationist and reformer, was born in 1870, the son of Soḍhī Kīshan Siṅgh of Paṭiālā. He took his intermediate examination at Mohindrā College, Paṭiālā, from where he went to Government College, Lahore, to receive his B.A. In 1980, he joined Mohindrā College as professor of philosophy, a post he held for the next 20 years, doing between whiles short stints as principal of Khālsā College at Amritsar (1900) and as senior inspector of schools, Paṭiālā. In 1910, soon after assumption of the reins of government on attaining his majority, Mahārājā Bhūpinder Siṅgh of Paṭiālā (1891-1938) appointed Soḍhī Sujān Siṅgh his foreign minister, but he laid down office three years later owing to failing health.

        Soḍhī Sujān Siṅgh took a leading part in the Sikh educational movement at the turn of the century. He was a member of the committee set up by the Khālsā College Council on 13 May 1900 to frame rules of business for its functioning. He was also nominated a member of the committee appointed on 8 March 1902 to manage the College on behalf of the Council. Of the Chief Khālsā Dīwān, Soḍhī Sujān Siṅgh was a founding member. He was one of the committee that framed its constitution in 1900, and during the first session of the Dīwān, held at Amritsar on 30 October 1902, he was named additional secretary of the executive committee. According to Bhāī Jodh Siṅgh's Oral History transcript preserved in Nehrū Memorial Museum, New Delhi, Soḍhī Sujān Siṅgh was one of those Sikh leaders who attended the Muhammadan Educational Conference at Karāchī in December 1907, and it was he who first suggested that there should be a similar conference setup for the Sikh community. The idea was promptly taken up by the Chief Khālsā Dīwān and this led to the establishment of Sikh Educational Conference which held its first session at Gujrāṅwālā in April 1908. In May 1909, Soḍhī Sujān Siṅgh became secretary of the Dīwān's education committee which planned, controlled and co-ordinated its educational activities and organized the annual sessions of the Sikh Educational Conference. But his poor health did not permit him to continue in this office for long. The end came at Paṭiālā on 23 July 1915.



    Jagjīt Siṅgh, Siṅgh Sabhā Lahir. Ludhiana,1974

Jagjīt Siṅgh