SUNDAR SIṄGH, BHĀĪ (d.1924),of the village of Chīdā near Bāghā Purāṇā, in Mogā sub-division of present-day Farīdkoṭ district of the Punjab, was about 60 years old when he received the initiation rites of the Khālsā at the hands of Sant Sundar Siṅgh Bhiṇḍrāṅvālā. To intensify the Akālī campaign at Jaito, the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee sent out from Amritsar in February 1924, a Shahīdī Jathā or martyrs' column, consisting of 500 volunteers ready to lay down their lives to have the interrupted akhaṇḍ pāth recommenced at Gurdwārā Gaṅgsar at Jaito, in Nābhā state territory. The march of the Sikhs through the Mājhā and Mālvā districts of the Punjab generated a great deal of enthusiasm among the people. Bhāī Sundar Siṅgh and several others from his village joined the column on 21 Feburary 1924 during the last lap of its journey. As it reached near Gurdwārā Gaṅgsar, Jaito, a strong posse of police and army blocked its way and subjected it to rifle and machinegun firing. Bhāī Sundar Siṅgh was hit in the stomach and lay grievously wounded. The Nābhā state police removed him to prisoners' camp where he succumbed to his injury.

Gurcharan Siṅgh Giānī