TARĀOṚĪ (29º-48'N, 76º-56'E), also pronounced Tarāvṛi, is an old walled town 12 km north of Karnāl in Haryāṇā. It claims a historical Sikh shrine known as Gurdwārā Sīsgañj Pātshāhī Nāvīṅ. After the martyrdom of Gurū Tegh Bahādur at Delhi on Maghar sudī 5, 1732Bk/11 November 1675, his severed head was carried to Anandpur by a Sikh named Jaitā. At Tarāoṛī, on the Grand Trunk road, Bhāī Jaitā, who was travelling incognito, met one Devā Rām, a washerman of the local garrison, washing clothes in the tank outside the fort. Devā Rām was a follower of the Sikh faith and knew that Gurū Tegh Bahādur had gone to Delhi resolved to make the ultimate sacrifice. He enquired of Bhai Jaita as a traveller coming from Delhi if he knew what had befallen the Gurū there. The latter requested Bhāī Devā Rām to escort him to his house which he willingly did. Bhāī Jaitā reached with his sacred charge Bhāī Devā Rām's house, the site of the present Gurdwārā Sīs Gañj (formerly known as Sīs Asthān). Bhāī Jaitā spent the night there.

        After Bandā Siṅgh Bahādur had reduced Sirhind in 1710, the fort of Tarāoṛī was also occupied by the Sikhs. Attempts by the imperial force to regain its possession resulted in a bloody, but inconclusive, battle at Amīngaṛh, 10 km north of Tarāoṛī. The Sikhs were led by Bhāī Bāj Siṅgh, Rām Siṅgh and Bābā Binod Siṅgh Trehaṇ. According to local tradition, the bodies of the Sikh warriors who fell at Amīngaṛh were cremated at Tarāoṛī near this site where a Mañjī Sāhib was later established. Upon the site of the old Mañjī Sāhib marking Bhāī Devā Rām's house now stands a tall five-storeyed domed building the construction of which commenced in 1966. The Gurū Granth Sāhib is seated on the ground floor in a sanctum, within a square hall. An adjoining bigger hall is used for holding larger assemblies. The Gurū kā Laṅgar is in a separate but adjacent compound. The sarovar, enclosed by a high wall, is to the west between the central building of the shrine and the fort.

        The Gurdwārā is administered by the Shiromaṇī Gurdwārā Parbandhak Committee through a local committee though further construction is the responsibility of Sant Hazārā Siṅgh, a follower of the late Sant Bābā Gurmukh Siṅgh.


  1. Giān Siṅgh, Giānī, Twārīkh Gurū Khālsā [Reprint]. Patiala, 1970
  2. Faujā Siṅgh, Gurū Teg Bahādur : Yātrā Asthān, Paramparāvāṅ te Yād Chinh. Patiala, 1970
  3. Gurmukh Siṅgh, Historical Sikh Shrines. Amritsar, 1995

Major Gurmukh Siṅgh (Retd.)