UJĀGAR SIṄGH, BHĀĪ (1902-1921), one of the Nankāṇā Sāhib martyrs, was born on 10 June 1902, the son of Bhāī Jagat Siṅgh and Māī Diāl Kaur of Chakk 64 Baṇḍālā Nihāloāṇā in Lyallpur (now Faisalābād) district of Pakistan. He learnt Gurmukhī at the village gurdwārā and was able fluently to recite passages from the Gurū Granth Sāhib and stories of the Sikh martyrs. Ujāgar Siṅgh grew up into a handsome youth, strong of limb and fair-complexioned. Losing his three wedded wives successively, he lost interest in worldly affairs and turned to religious pursuit instead. He participated in the liberation of Srī Darbār Sāhib, Tarn Tāran, and in that of Gurdwārā Bhāī Jogā Siṅgh at Peshāwar. Finally, he fell a martyr in the firing upon the pilgrims to Gurdwārā Jānam Asthān, Nankāṇā Sāhib, who were showered with bullets by the opponents of reform as they entered the premises to offer their prayers on the morning of 20 Feburary 1921.


    Shamsher, Gurbakhsh Siṅgh, Shahīdī Jīvan. Nankana Sahib, 1938

Gurcharan Siṅgh Giānī