VĀHIGURŪ SHABDĀRTH ṬĪKĀ (Vāhigurū= Sikh term for God ; Śabdārth=śabda or word+arth or meaning), by Paṇḍit Tārā Siṅgh Narotam, is a small tract which traces the origin of the word Vāhigurū, its meanings and its usage in Sikh scriptures. The tract has been published as part of the author's Gurmat Nirṇaya Sāgar: Its opening part deals with the importance of the term vāhigurū in the Sikh tradition and then proceeds on to trace its origin giving seventeen different forms of the word. First of all, he quotes the views of Bhāī Gurdās according to whom vāhigurū is a combination of the initials of Vāsudevā, Harī, Gobind and Rām ---all four being different names of the Supreme Lord. Then Tārā Siṅgh discusses all those forms and meanings of the term, which had come into use by his time. To interpret the term, he follows two methods : one is to break the word into maximum possible parts and then to interpret each part, and the second is to expound its meaning and usage in the context of grammar. The tract concludes with Tārā Siṅgh's view that God is, in all the traditions followed by theists, One; only the names differ. He argues that Durgā in Gurū Gobind Siṅgh's verses is not the goddess, but the Supreme Being who is the creator of Durgā the goddess and the gods such as Śiva and Viṣṇu.


    Tārā Siṅgh, Narotam, Gurmat Nirṇaya Sāgar. Rawalpiṇḍi, n.d

Dharam Siṅgh