VĀR SAT ("Seven Days of the Week"), title shared by two of the compositions in the Gurū Granth Sāhib ---Kabīr's in measure Gauṛī and Gurū Amar Dās' in measure Bilāval. The one by Gurū Amar Dās is entitled Vār Sat, while that by Kabīr has a variation in the form of Vār Kabīr Jīu Ke 7. Kabīr 's poem comprises eight stanzas, each of four lines, besides a verse of rahāu (pause), which constitutes the refrain, adjuring man to sing God's praises. Gurū Amar Dās' Vār Sat contains ten stanzas, each of six lines, besides the rahāu after stanza 1. The emphasis, again, is on the remembrance of God. All those days are reckoned auspicious which are devoted to meditation and repetition of His Name. None of the days of the week are made auspicious or inauspicious by the influence of the planet-deities governing them.

        Kabīr, using yogic terminology, traces the spiritual progress of a bhakta who is ultimately urged to set aside his ego to reach the destination. He also stresses the role of the true Gurū in the process of realization. Beginning most of the stanzas with the name of a day of the week, Kabīr sets forth the ideals of pure living and constant remembrance of God. This leads to spiritual enlightenment and union with the Lord in the joy whereof all rituals and practices cease to have any meaning.

        God realization is also the theme of Gurū Amar Dās' Vār Sat. Love and humility are the qualities recommended for the devotee. He must seek and cultivate the Gurū's word which will enable him to overcome his ego. Śabda (sabad) should be the basis of his contemplation and actions. This śabda is by God's favour grasped. By reference to the last three days of the week, Gurū Amar Dās exhorts men to discard superstition and illusion, austerities and penances. The ideal the hymn presents is that of a gurmukh-- one whose face is turned towards the Gurū, one who to the Gurū's word is attuned.


  1. Śabadārth Srī Gurū Granth Sāhib. Amritsar, 1967
  2. Sāhib Siṅgh, Srī Gurū Granth Sāhib Darpaṇ. Jalandhar, 1962-64
  3. Kohli, Surindar Singh, A Critical Study of Adi Granth. Delhi, 1961

Tāran Siṅgh