WAZĪR SIṄGH, RĀJĀ (1828-1874), succeeded in 1849 his father Rājā Pahāṛ Siṅgh to the gaddī of Farīdkoṭ. A devout Sikh, Wazīr Siṅgh had received the rites of initiation at Gurdwārā Hazūr Sāhib, Nāndeḍ, sacred to Gurū Gobind Siṅgh. He founded new villages and introduced several reforms in the land revenue system. He also introduced a system of written plaints and himself held court. He placed his services at the disposal of the British government for the suppression of the 1857 rising and was rewarded with the title of Brāṛ Baṅs Rājā Sāhib Bahādur and a salute of eleven guns.

        Rājā Wazīr Siṅgh died at Kurukshetra on 21 April 1874 after a reign of 25 years and was succeeded by his son, Bikram Siṅgh.


  1. Griffin, Lepel, The Rajas of the Punjab. [Reprint]. Delhi,1977
  2. Ganda Singh, The Patiala and the East Panjab States Union. Patiala, 1951
  3. Harbans Siṅgh, Farīdkoṭ ltihās Bāre. Faridkot, n.d.

Sardār Siṅgh Bhāṭīā